Concrete Tile Roof Repair in Auckland
A concrete tile roof can be both durable and economical and can look great when it is properly maintained. Concrete is a porous material, which means that over time, it will absorb moisture, which can lead to a build-up of mould and mildew, cracking or crumbling tiles, and a drag down of the overall look of your property.
As with any roofing material, you need to maintain a regular schedule of inspections, maintenance and repair to keep your property and your family in good health – and to ensure your asset retains its value.
Even one missing or compromised tile can lead to damaging moisture ingress, so it’s vital to stay on top of your
Our Process
Our team works quickly and charges competitively. We also offer workmanship warranties where these are relevant, and all our team members are highly professional, certified, experienced, and height and safety trained.
We have a specific process for the care of your concrete tile roof:
1. Clean
First, we waterblast the tiles with a specifically designed biowash disinfectant solution, which removes the mould, moss and lichen and treats the surface to slow down its return.
2. Remove & Repair
Next, we remove any broken or damaged tiles, and we replace them with new ones that match.
3. Seal & Coat
Then, we apply a coat of roof sealer and a basecoat and then finish with two coats of acrylic paint.
Book Now
If you are ready to take care of your roof, your property and your family, get in touch today.
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